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Continuing Ed: Dealing with Difficult People in Challenging Situations (2 Hours)

Continuing Ed: Dealing with Difficult People in Challenging Situations (2 Hours)

  • Confidence
  • Skills
  • Opportunity.
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Advance Your Security Career While Meeting License Requirements!

Enhance your skills with our courses that count towards Guard Card license continuing education credits. Invest in professional growth and compliance. 

**Disclaimer: Please verify course suitability with your state's licensing authority. Online, self-paced training must be recognized for credit. For information on specific state requirements, visit, select your state, and refer to the regulatory agency’s guidelines.

Course Description: This two-hour class consists of several short modules, each dealing with a different and often challenging, issue that private security officers may encounter in the course of their daily activities.  Dealing with difficult people can be dangerous and very draining!  But by using the strategies in this class, you can effectively and safely manage difficult individuals and situations.  The modules in this class are: Security Officer Responsibilities, Interacting with Difficult Individuals and People in Crisis, Interacting with People with Behavioral Health Issues, Interacting with Homeless People and Transients, Interacting with People with Disabilities, Dealing with Difficult People.

CE Hours: 2.0