High-Quality Security Guard Training With Defencify In Time For the Holidays
Celeste Acosta
During the busy holiday season, many companies are looking to hire more security guards quickly. While the onboarding process can be time consuming, there are ways to significantly shorten it while still hiring reliable security guards.
Online Training
One way to shorten the hiring process is using online security guard training as opposed to in-person.
Defencify offers 100% online security guard training. Our premier training allows students to enroll with just a few clicks and start training quickly. Students can complete a course in as little as 8 hours and receive their state-approved training certificate immediately upon completion, the very same day. This allows students to be hired as a security officer efficiently while providing them with training that successfully prepares them for the position.
Our training concepts are presented in short, stimulating bursts, so that information is digested and remembered easily. Interactive activities help make courses fun, and games allow students to test their knowledge. This is where online training can really make a difference. With Defencify’s online training, companies can expand their hiring pool faster than traditional methods.
Hire the Right People
Hiring the right individuals for a security role is crucial to safeguarding businesses and their reputation. Defencify’s cloud-based reporting tools provide verification of just how well the students understand their role and the choices they will make on the job. This can dramatically help companies improve their goal for hiring high-quality employees.
Defencify’s services can help companies hire well-trained, responsible security officers. Defencify provides quality online security guard training so companies can focus on what they care about the most - their business.
We offer company discounts and monthly subscription rates.
Defencify is the gold standard of online security officer training! We’re here to help companies succeed.
Contact us for a free 15-minute demo of our training or with any questions you have.