Defencify Announces Tennessee Security License Training Course

Company News

Defencify Announces Tennessee Security License Training Course

Defencify is excited to add Tennessee to the growing list of states that have approved the use of online security officer training technology for certification as an unarmed private security guard. The first of these courses is the Tennessee Security License Training Course.


This four-hour remote eLearning experience, developed in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance, provides all the training required under the Tennessee Private Protective Services Licensing and Regulatory Act for initial licensing as an unarmed private security guard in Tennessee.

Upon completion, students will be issued a certificate as proof of education to be submitted to the Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance for an unarmed security officer license.

Students do not need to be a current Tennessee resident to take the course. That means people planning to relocate to Tennessee can arrive with license in hand, pre-approved to work in the state.

The class is divided into four modules, each with several sub-modules for a total of nine subjects. Concepts are presented in short bursts, augmented by interactive exercises, games, and knowledge checks to confirm students’ understanding and participation. At the conclusion of the course students must pass a 40-question final exam to earn their license.

Defencify Tennessee Security License Training Course Outline:

  1. Tennessee Administrative Rules and Regulations
  2. The Role of a Security Officer: Attitude and Conduct
  3. Legal Powers and Limitations of a Security Officer: A Security Officer's Authority
  4. Laws and Liabilities, Criminal and Civil
  5. Basic First Aid
  6. Emergency Evacuation and Notification Procedures
  7. Patrol Procedures
  8. Report Writing, Documentation and Evidence
  9. 9. General Security Terminology

Because Defencify online training courses are self-paced, students can proceed through the modules at the time, place, and using the device of their choosing.

Students can start, pause, and restart modules as necessary; there’s no requirement to complete the entire course in one session, and students are free to replay modules as many times as needed to absorb the information.

At a cost of just $67, Defencify’s unique brand of online training is now a certified alternative to costly, inefficient instructor-led training in the state of Tennessee.

For individuals wanting to become a licensed unarmed security guard in Tennessee, this is the only course you need.

For security guard firms hiring new officers in Tennessee, this is the tool to expand your hiring pool without the time and expense of conducting on-site training.

Four Free Courses Demo


At Defencify, we understand the urgency of finding quality personnel and getting them into the field as quickly as possible. Visit us at to learn more about the remote self-paced training courses we offer in Tennessee and a growing list of other states.

Defencify: Hire today, train today, get started tomorrow.

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