Online Security Training Blog

What You Need to Include on Your Security Guard Resume

What You Need to Include on Your Security Guard Resume

Many security officers are often unsure of what should be included on their security guard resume. To help make your application process easier, we...
High-Quality Security Guard Training With Defencify In Time For the Holidays

High-Quality Security Guard Training With Defencify In Time For the Holidays

During the busy holiday season, many companies are looking to hire more security guards quickly. While the onboarding process can be time consuming, there are ways to significantly shorten it while still hiring reliable security guardsOne way to shorten the hiring process is using online security guard training as opposed to in-person. Defencify offers 100% online security guard training.

Boosting Your Company’s Hiring Pool

Boosting Your Company’s Hiring Pool

Did you know that private security providers that we talked to report losing 20-25% of their job applicants because they won’t or can’t commit to ...
Looking for a job as a contract Security Officer?

Looking for a job as a contract Security Officer?

Some Helpful Tips to Aid You in Your Search for the Right Security Gig A recent graduate of our online guard license course, we’ll call him ‘Sam’, ...