A Guide to Becoming an Unarmed Security Guard in Georgia

Online Training

A Guide to Becoming an Unarmed Security Guard in Georgia

Obtaining a Georgia Security Guard License is a vital step for those aspiring to become unarmed security guards in the state. This comprehensive guide walks you through the essential regulations and requirements set by the Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies.

The Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies (GBPDSA) is the government body that regulates security guards and security guard agencies in the state. In Georgia, the security agency and its owners must be licensed by the GBPDSA and insured, but only employees serving as armed security guards are required to be licensed and registered with the State.

There is no license or registration needed to be an unarmed security guard. If you are legally allowed to work in the state of Georgia, you can work as an unarmed security guard. Any potential legal or financial damages arising from your conduct while on duty will be covered under your employer’s license and liability insurance – provided they can show proof of education for compliance purposes.

As such, there are some basic requirements and training standards set by the Board that you must satisfy in order to be hired by a licensed security agency and before being assigned to a post.

Georgia Unarmed Security Guard License Qualifications

  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Be a US citizen or present documentation of right to work in the US.
  • A high school diploma or equivalent and be able to read and write in English.
  • Pass a criminal background check. You will need to submit a set of fingerprints from a state-approved vendor for processing by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Fees will apply. A conviction for a felony or fraud, or any crime involving the illegal use of weapons will result in the disqualification of your application.

    If you answer "Yes" to any question concerning criminal history or disciplinary actions taken against you, you must submit certified documentation of court dispositions, agency orders, or any other documentation to demonstrate resolution of the issue. Failure to provide this information will result in processing delays and may be grounds for disapproval of your application by the Board.

  • Complete a GBPDSA-approved security training course from a Board-certified training provider or instructor. The training can be delivered by a live instructor or via online classes. The Board mandates a minimum of 24 hours of instruction on the following topics:
    • Role of Private Security
    • Legal Aspects and Use of Force
    • Patrol & Observation Techniques
    • Incident Response
    • Security Resources (surveillance equipment training)
    • Customer Service Issues
    • First Aid Overview

    Make sure the course and training provider you choose is GBPDSA-approved and covers the subjects as mandated by the Board in OCGA 43-38-7.1. After completion of the training, you must pass an exam to earn a certificate of completion. This certificate must be included with your application to the GBPDSA. If the course is not Board-approved, it will not count toward satisfying your training requirement.

    Armed guards applying for a Blue Card must complete an additional 15 hours of Homeland security education and weapons training.All training must be complete prior to any employee being assigned to a post.
    A complete Employee Registration Information including fee schedules and application forms can be found here.

Jumpstart Getting Your Security Guard License and Career With Defencify

Defencify is one of the GBPDSA-approved providers of unarmed security guard training in Georgia. Our self-paced, online courses eliminate the delays and conflicts associated with attending live training classes. With Defencify, you take the course at your convenience. Begin immediately instead of waiting for the next live class to fill up, and study at your speed, on your device, at the time and place of your choosing.

Defencify’s Georgia New Unarmed Guard Course is certified by the GBPDSA and guaranteed to satisfy state requirements as outlined in the Georgia Private Detective and Security Agencies Act, OCGA 43-37-7.1 and Chapter 509 from the Rules and Regulations of the state of Georgia.

The course was created by Defencify instructional designers working together with GBPDSA personnel to ensure it totals the mandatory 24 hours of training on all required topics.

It uses modern eLearning technologies and adult learning concepts tied to interactive lessons and games to make the training engaging and fun. Information is presented in short modules with built-in knowledge checks.

Take and re-take modules and quizzes until you feel comfortable –without impacting other students’ progress in a live class.

Upon successful completion of the course and passing the final exam, you’ll print out a Georgia GBPDSA-approved certificate to be used as proof of education in your employment applications.

With Defencify, you can get an edge over other applicants by showing up to your interview with training certificate in hand – you don't have to wait for a job offer to take the training. Plus, Defencify is one of the most affordable options for online training.

Visit defencifytraining.com to learn more about registering for the training you need to get your career started as a security guard in Georgia. Enroll today!

For Georgia security guard companies, Defencify can help streamline the training process for your entire workforce. Sign up for a free trial of Defencify’s courseware offerings to see how Defencify can get your new hires into the field faster.

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